My journey
The world seems to be so small in comparison to the endless width surrounding the earth, but still it's too big and too complex for us to fully explore and to see. How wonderful are the works of God's hands, it's beyond what we can imagine and comprehend! With this bycicle trip I hope to catch a glimpse of the beauty of it all. I do know that the world is also full of ugly things like hatred, jealousy, doubt, lack of identity, deep wounds, selfishness and many other things, but there is hope. What other way is there than to hold on to the truth of who Jesus is, of who we are through him, and of what awaits us if we surrender it all to him in complete trust. Jesus said: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Through his death and the fact that he rose again, Jesus overcame the world and with him everyone who believes in him and follows him. My body can still be hurt and every earthly posession can be taken away from me, but no one can ever steel what I have through my father.The promise of his kingdom that will be full reality after our earthly life, but that can start right now if we let him work through us. That's what I hold on to, and I hope to get closer to God's heart also on this trip, to make beautiful experiences while seeing his creation and getting to know some more of his precious children.
On Monday the third of September 2018 I'll start my bycicle tour from Gstaad to Sevilla. My friend Salome will acompany me for a few days, then I'll continue on my own. I'm looking forward to this short adventure of one month, and will try to keep you updated.
Am Montag, den dritten September 2018 werde ich meine Velotour von Gstaad nach Sevilla starten. Meine Freundin Salome wird mich für einige Tage begleiten , dann werde ich selbst weiterfahren.. Ich freue mich auf dieses kurze Abentuer, welches mich einen Monat lang auf Trab, oder besser gesagt auf dem Sattel halten wird, und ich werde versuchen, euch immer auf dem neusten Stand zu halten.


Larissa Masaad